Monday, April 7, 2008


Spring Break! We can all breathe a big sigh of relief. We all slept until 10am this morning. I couldn't believe it. My house is a total mess but we decided to do our grocery shopping today so we could have fun the rest of the week. My kids don't enjoy grocery shopping because I am a couponing queen. So it is sometimes a little time consuming (especially when I find a really good deal that wasn't planned and I have to look through my coupon notebook.

Anyway, we hit the thrift store first and we found 2 shirts for me, 6 shirts for Jack, 3 outfits for Maci Clare, a pair of baseball cleats for Gabe, a raincoat for Zane, a Drive time Devotions CD, 15 books (4 Goosebumps, 3 Magic Treehouse, one joke book, 3 board books, and several other miscellaneous books), and a Feature Film for Families DVD. It was a great day to go. I only paid $15 for all of it. We may go back at the end of the week.

Then we went to eat at a local pizza place. Then we hit Walmart (only because we needed to get some baskets for our organizing projects). I spent way too much money in there and I know why I stay away from there most weeks except to buy gas. Then we hit Food Lion where I got some really good deals using coupons and buying sale items. I got free butter, free baby food, 50 cents Huggies baby wash and free wipes. We then headed to CVS. I bought 2 packs of Pull Ups and 1 bag of diapers for $6.84 out of pocket and got back $16.50 in ECBs.

My dad called and wanted to take all three boys out to eat so Maci Clare and I decided to meet daddy for supper. (Jim was teaching a Financial Peace class tonight.) So to kill a little time while we waited on Daddy to finish, we went to Publix. They had several B1G1 deals but I didn't have coupons to make the deals even sweeter. But all in all it was a great shopping day. Overall I think I spent around $80. That is way under my budget for the week and I won't have to go back for a while. I can probably skip next week unless CVS has some deals to great to pass up. But I usually get out of there under $5. And I have all those new ECBs to use.
Tomorrow we're just going to get organized. Then we will try to do some fun things the rest of the week.