Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm In A Bloggy Funk

I am tired and bluegrass is consuming our lives. I will post more about the big festival (which was a huge success). I am waiting on pictures from a bluegrass friend, who takes millions. So I only took about 3. I was very busy and didn't sit down the whole day. But I will give you all the details and tell you all about it soon.
Now back to my funk. I can't seem to get it together to blog. I have lots I want to say. It is just finding the time (with no interruptions). This never happens. We are taking the weekend and going to Savannah (no kids) so maybe when I get back I will be more refreshed and ready to settle into a better routine. Spring Break starts Friday and I am looking forward to that. So just wanted you all to know I haven't forgotten about you we are just very, very busy and I am a little worn down. So pray for me and I promise I will get to the blogging shortly.


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

I have the time and nothing to say! If we could just combine the two of us we could be the perfect blogger ;)

Marian said...

Busy momma!! Glad to hear the bluegrass festival went well! Can't wait for the pics. Whatcha have planned for Spring Break?

Windy said...

And as always when you get to go somewhere by yourself with JUST your hubby - I AM JEALOUS!!
'Cause I know I can say that to you and you totally understand!
I hope you have a great time and come back totally refreshed for a whole week of no school Spring Break - maybe we can meet w/ the kids somewhere in the middle that has a BIG playground:)

Michelle said...

Have a great weekend. I've had the same problem blogging lately...just not working for me.

Got your message...can't wait to get those sweet bows:)