Friday, August 22, 2008

Something to Make You Laugh!

Being at the Boston concert the other day reminded me of this. I even did an imitation while they were playing the cow bell. You just can't beat Will Ferrell on SNL. Enjoy!

See more funny videos at Funny or Die


Windy said...

That is one of my favorite SNL clips. Will Ferrell is so funny! The ultimate cheerleaders were good, too! Glad to know that Scott and I are not the only almost 40 year olds who still watch SNL. I don't think young people today really "get" it.

Unknown said...

This is my all-time favorite of his. Love it!

Michelle said...

Werent those the funniest times on SNL...I watched the best of the other night and this was one of them...what has happened to that show...

Stephanie said...

The girls are so worth it, never thought I would do the girl used to boys. Let me tell you...I am loving it!!! Your kids are so cute and that little girl is just adorable! I want your shopping secrets...saw your post about grocery deals!