Wednesday, June 18, 2008

International Village, Atlanta, Georgia: Day 2

This morning started bright and early with cold pizza and Pop Tarts. We headed out for our Service project. We went to the soccer field (which is also where lots of Mexican men hang out and drink beer.) It was crazy. The only time I had ever seen anything worse was in the Dominican Republic. (If you have ever been there you know what I am talking about. They just dump all of the trash they generate on the side of the road.) We prepared ourselves with trash bags and latex gloves.
It actually started out okay. I even said, "This is not near as bad as I thought it would be." Then someone found a hot spot. As I walked down the bank this is what I saw.

It seemed hopeless but we kept plugging away until we had 60 trash bags full. I hummed praise and worship music to keep myself focused on the tasks. Because it was really nasty trash. And I had to remind myself why I was there.

Look at their faces. Don't they look thrilled.

After a quick lunch of ham and cheese sandwiches, we headed out for another hot day with the kids. I think I will just let the pictures show you what we did.

After a long afternoon with the kids, we headed back to take showers and get ready for a night out. We left about 6:30 and went to Medival Times. It was a lot of fun.
The entrance to the castleStanding in the mistThis was our knight, Jesse. He wasn't a very impressive night and he lost but we still cheered for him.
One more day and we are headed home.


Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a great time in addition to doin' some ministry. You look lovely with the crown.

Anonymous said...

Great Ministry! How wonderful! Love all of the pictures!